Yes Month

A few weeks ago I decided that during the month I would endeavour to say Yes! to everything, within reason. This has led to some interesting and unexpected activities. In no particular order, this is what I have said yes to so far:

Meals out and dinners cooked by friends (so many, in fact, that I haven’t had to cook for myself at home for the last 15 days, which is a record I’m rather pleased with)

• Observing an acupuncture session, during which I was told that I would 100% get cancer. (I was not impressed, considering I work in the area of scientific, evidence-based, logically sound risk assessment, and whilst I dismissed this prediction as unfounded and little more than an underhanded scare tactic, it did piss me off somewhat.)

Sailing, in a beautiful sailing boat, in a race around Dunmore East harbour. I even helped with the sailing, although I’m not sure how much.

Yoga for runners, although I will be glad when the classes are over and I won’t have to start my day at 6.20am anymore.

Walking a marathon. (And then changing my mind, not being equipped with the mental aptitude to be a walker).

Making a concession in my marathon training: introducing walking intervals and even entertaining the possibility that I DNF.

A salsa class, and then another one, and then an impromptu salsa-and-pub session.
