Dublin half marathon, September 2012

Today I ran the Dublin half marathon, and concluded my month of racing. I expected to finish around 2:07 as that seems to be a fairly reliable finishing time for me when I'm not busting a gut to get to the end (in fact I finished in 2:08 so my prediction wasn't far off. On reflection, though, I'm not sure if spontaneous self-prediction is that reliable though; it seems a little bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Musings for another blog...)

I started almost on top of the 2:00 pacers and stayed with them comfortably until mile 3, when I suddenly felt quite stifled by the tight pack of runners crowding the flags, and had to drop back to avoid the extra body heat. After that, nothing particularly untoward happened, except that I mentally wrote most of this blog article, and for once avoided throwing multiple cups of water in my face after I decided to walk through all the water stations for enhanced hydration and dignity.

I held up well until around mile 12 when fatigue kicked in somewhat, but on reflection I think this is the strongest psychologically I have felt for a long time during training. My mental muscles have had a pretty good workout this year, and have been refreshed from the holiday from marathons and long runs. Starting different sports has undoubtedly helped keep the bug alive too.

And so ends my rather hectic month (the Rage Run plans have been cancelled, thank God). I've raced the last four consecutive weekends; a 100km cycle race, two triathlons and a half marathon, and as if that wasn't enough, this week I also moved house and flew to Edinburgh for a meeting. I'm pretty tired. Tomorrow's plans are... Do nothing.
