Maple syrup and streaky bacon

This morning I opened, with great ceremony and salivation, my closely-guarded tin of Canada’s finest maple syrup. I had been saving it since my trip last October for the dreary days of January, and, having supplies of streaky bacon, the ingredients for French toast, and dull grey skies outside, I knew the time had come.

The first time I heard of creating a breakfast combination of maple syrup and bacon, I scoffed in scepticism. However, I am pleased to note that I have had a radical change of heart. Somehow this crispy, salty, nutty sticky sweetness fits tremendously well together (and in fact now that I see it in writing I wonder how I could ever have doubted it).

 So, here it is in all its glory: the finest streaky bacon, French toast (sliced baguette dipped in beaten egg and milk, and fried) – liberally drizzled with the stuff of dreams.
