Triathlon (and therefore blogging) season

August seems like a good time to review the resolutions I made earlier this year, since it's just about time for me to start booking Christmas holidays again (seriously). Upon a recap of what I vaguely decided to do this year - 1. to write more and 2. to eat more meat than usual, I remembered why I don't usually bother with such resolutions. I haven't been blogging, and although I haven't been eating a huge amount of meat, I have been living mostly off large quantities of cheese. Possibly a better option anyway.

But what I really came here to write about was triathlon season, which is upon me once again. My first - and last - triathlon of this year is tomorrow, a sprint distance tri (750m swim, 20km cycle, 5km run). I managed to buy myself a wetsuit too this year, and I've been out on my bike Simon three times since last September, so we do at least recognise each other.

I also apparently agreed to run the Clonmel half marathon the following day - at least, the registration email is in my inbox, although I don't fully remember consenting to it. I'm really not sure how this crept up on me again as August is always a busy month race-wise. At least I have a solid base of circuit training to fall back on. And next weekend I have a five mile race and the 100km Sean Kelly cycle (with the obligatory mid-cycle dinner, of course).

News to follow, if I survive the weekend!

P.S. A quick update on this year's marathon: Nope. Not doing it. Can't be bothered to train, which possibly explains the palava outlined above.
