How to Explore the World: Lesson 2

As I was driving home tonight I watched the moon rising in a dark blue sky. It was enormous and yellow, and I thought immediately of a conversation I have with my father every time we see the moon together.

"Do you remember the night we went for a walk, and the moon was drifting along behind us?" he says. 

I remember it. I was very young, and the moon on the horizon had appeared larger than it ever had before or since, the moon illusion further enhanced by my childish wonderment.

"We tried to trick it by each going in opposite directions," Dad reminds me. 

"Yes," I reply. "It followed me."

"No, it definitely followed me," he says conclusively.

We still haven't reached an agreement. Perhaps we need a retest. 

How to Explore the World: Lesson 2

Look at the moon.
