Pancake Day!

It's Pancake Day Mardi Gras today, and it would be extremely remiss of me to overlook this important date in the calendar. Usually this celebration involves me eating a great deal of pancakes one after the other, exclaiming at around the mid-point that I shall eat pancakes all year round instead of only once, rapidly followed by the realisation that, in fact, I have just consumed over a years' worth of batter in one sitting.

Today started on a positive note, with my mother announcing that she didn't see any reason to confine the crêpe eating to one sitting only, and that I should prepare enough batter to enable us all a day-long supply. Then she started rifling through the liqueur cupboard for some of our more insalubrious ingredients. We are in France, after all, which means that adding cognac to breakfast dishes is perfectly acceptable.

Anyway, this exciting occasion will involve a lot of maple syrup, and will most certainly not be followed in this house by the tediously penitential Lenten period. I am on a taper, after all, and this is no time for self-flagellistic gastronomic withdrawal.

Happy battering!
