The Worst Marathon Ever

Five days to go until the Milan Marathon, and due to various cataclysmic events, it is officially going to be The Worst Marathon Ever. There has never before been so much doom hanging over one race, not have so many things gone wrong. As follows:

I sprained my ankle three weeks before, destroying in one moment months of hard training and dreams of a great race and a PB.

Out of 12 people going, only six are running, and four of those people have some sort of injury or another: two of them have glute pains, one has pains in her heel, and the other one dropped something on his foot a week ago.

Out of the people not running, we have three busted knees, one sprained ankle, one sickness, and one who can't be bothered to run it.

There have been rumours that they don't close the route to motorists (see above, if you speak Italian).

And Sunday's weather forecast is looking pretty dire. For a marathon.

I'm quite looking forward to it, actually.
