Five weeks till Dublin 2011!

Five weeks to go until the Dublin Marathon 2011, and I completed my first 20 mile yesterday. Very surprisingly, it went well – almost suspiciously well, in fact, given my history of horrible head-wrecking first 20 milers. I’m a little nervous this week because for the last two marathons I trained for (Dublin 2010 and Milan 2011) I reached 20 miles in my program before getting injured in the same week as the fateful long run. So this week I am superstitiously avoiding badminton, silly shoes, clumsy people, and the edges of high buildings, for fear of doing something stupid.

I’ve reached that exquisite stage of training where I can run quite comfortably and happily for hours – literally – and time and distance seem to contract in a way that happens only when looking down from long run perspective. My familiar route out to Tramore and round the back road has shrunk to “only 15 miles”, whereas before, that long, straight road out from Waterford would stretch interminably on and on. Now it’s only five and a half miles, a mere blip in a weekend run.

I have two weeks of mileage to get in until the taper, and then it’s downhill all the way! Watch this space, PB approaching :)
