A rambling catch-up

I haven't posted for a long time - I fell off the literary wagon somewhat after my latest disaster of a marathon. However, I have been up to a few interesting things lately and so shall endeavour to start blogging again, and more frequently than twice a year.

A quick catch up of my races this year:

Dungarvan 10 mile, January. I don't really remember this but I have the t-shirt upstairs so I presume it happened.

Portsmouth half marathon, February. Icy cold, well organised and a great coastal route. No t-shirt :( Time: my predictable haven't-been-training-for-this 2:07.

Ballycotton 10 mile, March. A great race once again, I would expect no less from Ballycotton.

Butlerstown 10km, April. It was sunny, there was a rainbow, and I had chilli con carne for dinner afterwards. These are the things I remember (I am the worst blogger ever...)

Geneva half marathon, May. Time: 2:09. Oh Geneva, city of cheese and chocolate and sunshine. I will be back next year. The route was beautiful, the city was beautiful and the people were beautiful. What more could one wish for?

Waterford half marathon, June. I was disappointed that the year I decide not to run a marathon is the year Waterford hosts its first one! However, since it was the wisest decision I had made since I started running I stuck with it and ran the half... and ran a PB of 1:59:34! Absolutely stoked to have finally conquered two hours. The home turf undoubtably helped, and I think I had been back at circuits for a time before then which would have helped.

In July I bought a bike, named it Simon, and started cycling.

Sean Kelly 100km cycle, August. This was my first cycle race ("sportive") and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I completed it in 4:20, the route was great - it took us through all the best areas of County Waterford.

Dunmore East women's triathlon, September. This was Ireland's first women's only triathlon, and my first also! (I don't count the one I completed on holiday when I was six and had just learnt to swim. Dad was training me early it seems). It was a sprint triathlon, which was: 750m swim (in the sea!), 20km cycle and 7km run (the official sprint distance is a 5km run but perhaps due to location this was a little bit further). I completed it in 1:52, which I was delighted with, especially as it was very much a last minute decision (i.e. seven days beforehand). I have had the vague goal for a while of moving to triathlons as I always felt I would be fairly strong at each discipline, so this confirmed it for me.

And happily for me, there is another triathlon next weekend! Possibly a little hasty, but since I did the 100km last weekend and the tri yesterday, the next logical step is to marry both and do a tri containing 100km! It's 1km swim, 100km cycle and 10km run. I have no idea how long it will take me but I hope to be finished by dinner time...
