An update on the heart rate monitor!

I realised that I didn't post an update on my heart rate monitor queries not-so-recently raised. Basically - and to avoid any further embarrassing displays of naïveté or circumlocution - it wasn't working properly during the runs, most likely because of the place I was wearing it (you wear it like a thong, right? ;-]) The good thing about this was that I busted my arse on that run trying to get the thing to display a higher number, so it's possible that I ran really, really fast without appreciating it, hence the surprising fatigue. I have yet to try it again with better positioning, as my running has been somewhat absent of late. But I have been thinking lately - and yesterday's horrific events provided me with confirmation of this feeling - that it may be the year for me to return to the marathon. I have my eye on an autumn race already.

Happy running :)
