Week Two: confessions and sandwiches

It's Sunday again, and I've just finished Week Two of my training program for the Barcelona marathon (16th March 2014).

As one of my fellow runners kindly pointed out during the week, I technically hadn't followed Week One of the program as I had so proudly blogged, because I'd run 9.1 miles instead of 8. I must confess that I did the same this week too, 11 miles instead of 10. Oops. Accidents happen.

This was my week:

Monday: circuits
Tuesday: 3 mile fast run and yoga
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 5 miles (42m10s)
Friday: 6 miles fast
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 11 miles @ 10 min/miles

The best run of the week had to be Friday's. Either I ran so well because last week's equivalent was so rubbish and I didn't want a repeat of that, or it was because of a delicious sandwich I ate an hour before it. We may never know.

Half marathon next weekend!
