Week One completed!

I'll start off this blog post much like all the others I write, by saying that - oops - I haven't written for a long time. So having observed the usual niceties, I bring Important News. I have decided to run another marathon, and, more importantly, have also decided to follow through on this decision by - gasp - actually training!

I have Barcelona 2014 in mind, and I've just completed Week One. I'm rather pleased with myself right now for two reasons. Firstly, it's the Sunday of Week One and I just ran an excellent first long run of the program, to which I added an extra mile because I felt great. Secondly, I'm pretty sure this is the first time during my many bespoke marathon training programs that I've ever actually followed all planned workouts in any given week. I'm excited because this means I've finally managed to design a challenging and yet manageable program. It's only taken me five years.

So this was my exciting week:

Monday: circuit training (1.5 hours)
Tuesday lunchtime: 3 mile run (my program said "fast", my legs said "ok, relatively fast then, if we have to, but we're pretty tired actually". I'm not sure what pace that means)
Tuesday pm: yoga
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 5 miles, fast (this was actually fast, 8:40 pace, unlike Tuesday's fast)
Friday: 5 miles, snail-like pace (I was really tired by Friday)
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 9 miles @ long run pace. Turns out my long run pace nowadays is 10 min/miles, which means, also for the first time ever, that I may, possibly, perhaps, be aiming for a sub 10 min/mile marathon. We shall see.
