Christmas update: Week 6

It's Week 6 of my training for the Barcelona Marathon (16th March 2014), and although I haven't done very well recently with following my intended program mid-week, I am exactly where I'd planned to be for the long runs. I'll also note that I did a whole 3 weeks - 21 days! - of following the program before I started to deviate, which is by far my longest streak of compliance.

I felt really tired for the whole week after the half marathon at the end of Week 3. I hadn't anticipated how much energy it would take out of me, and one week of taking it easy because I was tired turned into a second week of taking it easy because I felt sluggish, due to the preceding easy week. I also didn't do a long run last weekend because I was travelling, and this week was pretty laid back training-wise because I was so busy. Still, excuses aside, it's the Saturday of Week 6 now and I ran a fairly easy 14 miles this morning, the last four of which were in the lashing rain and wind, to add extra gratification to the finish line. 

Here's a quick rundown (ha) of the last couple of weeks, since I last posted an update:

Week 4 (the week after the half marathon):
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3 miles and yoga
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 3 miles
Friday: rest
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 13 miles (this wasn't too eventful but I remember being quite tired towards the end of the run)

Week 5: 
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 3 fast (?!) miles and yoga
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 5 miles (these were in tough conditions and I felt really tired and sluggish throughout: my time was 46:54 compared with the previous week's 41:19, which is, quite frankly, rubbish)
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: rest (travelling)

Week 6 (this week):
Monday: circuits
Tuesday: yoga
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: rest (I took my running kit to work and back on each of these days but was too busy to get into it)
Saturday: 14 miles
Sunday (tomorrow): rest

That's it from me till the New Year; I'm escaping over Christmas to a technology-free zone. I have a few Christmas runs planned during the two weeks I'm away, including two long runs of 10 and 12 miles at the weekends, which, from looking at my whole program now, I'd like to change to a 12 and a 14. 

Happy Christmas!
