How to Explore the World: Lesson 5

Choose one of the following qualities (or another of your choosing) and be mindful of it for a day: kindness; honesty; generosity; love; patience; empathy. Observe how it positively affects you, and your relationship with others.

My chosen quality of the day is kindness, as this is one of my resolutions. I am fascinated by the way my world changes from the inside when I try to be kind. Even if it appears to go unnoticed by those around me, the quality itself reflects within me and gives me a sense of peaceful satisfaction: perhaps this is merely an egoistic sense of self-righteousness, but even so, of course it is better to be kind than not.



  1. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Interesting that you mention self-examination in your blog, as I have a post in mind for that thought.

    Kind regards,



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