Eight days!

My marathon is eight days away, and I'm getting excited. I feel that I've trained well. I actually had a short break - a week off - after my final 20 miles two weekends ago, because I had been travelling around and felt a bit run down. But in the last couple of days I ran a very fast 3 miles, and a fast 5 miles and still felt I could run faster at the end. I'm pleased with this because it means my long endurance runs haven't killed my speed too much. This Sunday I'll be doing my final weekend run of 8 miles at my intended race pace; 10 minute/miles.

Next week I'll be travelling down to Barcelona; I'm in France at the moment and the weather is gloriously sunny with perfect running temperatures, so I hope Spain is not too warm on the day. After race day, of course, the weather can do what it wants, as I'll be lounging in a bar somewhere with a beer or three.
